Thursday, November 12, 2009

"The Words of the Wise"

As we learned in class, the book of proverbs is an example of prudential wisdom. That is,wisdom that shows practicality and foresight. The reason I enjoy reading the book of Proverbs is because not only the content is practical and planned out but the format of the book itself is outlined in the first few verses, followed by very organized bits of fortune cookie wisdom.

Proverbs opens with giving the authorship to Solomon, son of David, King of Israel. It then explains the purpose of reading the proverbs, which is interesting because I don't recall any other book in the bible telling you the lesson or moral before you read it. Why is everything addressed to "my son?"

Proverbs is easy to read because it is made up of such short elements strung together, with each verse being a proverb.

This wasn't much of a blog but I will say that I intend to write my term paper on The Slave.

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